Solaris Kerberos clients against MS Active Directory KDC

Configuring Solaris as a Kerberos client to work against a MS Active Directory Domain is documented by Oracle in the How to Configure a Kerberos Client for an Active Directory Server. This uses the /usr/sbin/kclient script provided by the kerberos-5 package, but makes some assumptions: The computer object will be created in OU=Computers The user joining the client to the domain must have Domain Administrator rights The first issue is fairly trivial to work around, but the second is more interesting and that is what the rest of this post will focus on....

January 9, 2013

Solaris 11 Client against OpenLDAP Server

Oracle provide a wealth of information for using various Naming and Directory Services with a Solaris OS as the client. Sometimes it’s hard to see the wood for the trees, therefore the following attempts to explain how to configure your Solaris 11 client to get user (passwd) and group (group) information from an OpenLDAP server. I assume you don’t have full control over your OpenLDAP server, or don’t want to bend over backwards to accommodate the Solaris client....

October 2, 2012