I was lucky enough to be able to attend LISA 2017 in San Francisco. As usual, this conference is absolutely fantastic and jam packed full of useful content. Sunday to Tuesday is dedicated to the Training Program. Then Wednesday sees the start of the Conference Program, that continues until Friday. Defending against the dark arts Linux performance monitoring with BPF Troubleshooting performance issues in postgreSQL Security in Automation UX Design and Education for effective monitoring tools...

November 5, 2017

Spectrum Scale UK User Group Meeting 2016

I attended my 2nd Spectrum Scale User group meeting, it was amazing to see how much feedback IBM had taken onboard from 2015 and has directly influenced the product. It was also very useful to see how other users are solving their problems using GPFS. All the slides from the conference are online, the rest of this post picks out some specific areas I found particularly interesting and how they could apply to the University of Bristol....

May 31, 2016

LISA 12 - Real World Configuration Management Workshop

The Real World Configuration Management was my first official event at LISA ‘12, with ~40 people sat around the table discussing their experiences and problems with configuration management. Experience was wide ranging in the room, from someone who was still evaluating configuration management tools, to Authors of CFEngine, LCFG & bcfg2. The day had a loose structure, broken down in to 3 parts. Discussion often went off-track, but that was to be expected....

December 11, 2012

UKUUG Spring Conference 2011

I recently attended UKUUG’s annual Large Installation Systems Administration (LISA) conference, this year hosted in Leeds over 2 days. Overall I was very impressed with the event, at some points I was torn with that track to go on. In the end I attended the following: A bird’s-eye view on DNSSEC (Jan-Piet Mens) Managing distributed web services with OpenNMS (Dr. Craig Gallen) Unbound as a caching validating DNSSEC resolver (Jan-Piet Mens) IPv6 update from a broadband ISP (Adrian Kennard) The Future of Configuration Management – Latest developments from Cfengine (Mark Burgess) FusionInventory and GLPI (Fabrice Flore-Thebault) The benefit of BGP for every service provider (Thomas Mangin) DNSSEC zone-signing tool chest (Jan-Piet Mens) Scale out Datacenter Architecture (Bernd Erk) Digital Forensics in Large Scale Environments (Si Biles) Large Scale file storage with MogileFS (Stuart Teasdale) OpenStack: Towards a fully open cloud (Thierry Carrez) PostgreSQL: New features for Large Systems Administration (Simon Riggs) Some of the above were very interesting, which I hope to blog about in detail in the near future....

April 12, 2011