This weekend I took part in the Ludum Dare 26 Competition, where the theme was “Minimalism”. My entry is Filler.


The aim of filler is fill the holes in the grid with the minimum number of block pieces as possible. To achieve this, try to prevent blocks from overlapping when placing them. You can rotate and flip each block piece. If succeed in filling the hole with the minimum number of block pieces, your score multiplier will increase.

Don’t spend too long deciding where to place your piece. If the timer runs out, you will lose a life. Try to get as many points as possible before losing all your lives.


  • Left Click on a block piece on the right hand side to pick it up.
  • Left Click while holding a block piece on the grid to place it.
  • Right Click while holding a block piece to flip it.
  • Mouse Wheel while holding a block piece to rotate it.


Head over to the Filler page on the Ludum Dare website:

Don’t forget to rate!
