Importing Puppet classes in to Puppet Dashboard

Puppet Dashboad has a concept of classes, which can be really useful if you make use of external nodes and link it to the dashboard. Unfortunately it doesn’t currently have a way to auto-import classes defined in your puppet manifests. The following is a little bit of python hacked together to provide this functionality. It looks at a directory for a list of modules and the database details for puppet dashboard (only works for MySQL)....

May 10, 2011

UKUUG Spring Conference 2011

I recently attended UKUUG’s annual Large Installation Systems Administration (LISA) conference, this year hosted in Leeds over 2 days. Overall I was very impressed with the event, at some points I was torn with that track to go on. In the end I attended the following: A bird’s-eye view on DNSSEC (Jan-Piet Mens) Managing distributed web services with OpenNMS (Dr. Craig Gallen) Unbound as a caching validating DNSSEC resolver (Jan-Piet Mens) IPv6 update from a broadband ISP (Adrian Kennard) The Future of Configuration Management – Latest developments from Cfengine (Mark Burgess) FusionInventory and GLPI (Fabrice Flore-Thebault) The benefit of BGP for every service provider (Thomas Mangin) DNSSEC zone-signing tool chest (Jan-Piet Mens) Scale out Datacenter Architecture (Bernd Erk) Digital Forensics in Large Scale Environments (Si Biles) Large Scale file storage with MogileFS (Stuart Teasdale) OpenStack: Towards a fully open cloud (Thierry Carrez) PostgreSQL: New features for Large Systems Administration (Simon Riggs) Some of the above were very interesting, which I hope to blog about in detail in the near future....

April 12, 2011

Google Apps Revisited

Yesterday Microsoft and Google came to work to present their Cloud solutions to E-mail, Calendar and Collaboration (Live@edu & Google Apps for Education). The relative pros and cons regarding a University moving it’s collaboration tools to the cloud is a debate for another day (despite it being hard to hold back). But one thing the presentations did do is make me re-consider the free google apps service for my personal set-up....

February 10, 2011

Not all Rodents are welcome in IT

It is widely accepted that Mice belong with Computers. Many users believe they are vital for the smooth operation of their PC. Unfortunately this fact does not expand to other rodents, particularly Rats. A major part of my workplaces networking went down, after much effort searching for the problem, we finally found the following. The above is 64-Cores of fibre optic cable, rendered useless by some rats. It’s surprising the outer shell doesn’t have rat poison....

January 30, 2011

Kerberos - KDC

The following describes how I configured Kerberos on Debian Lenny: Server Config Install the required packages: 1 aptitude install krb5-kdc krb5-admin-server krb5-clients libpam-krb5 edit /etc/krb5.conf: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 [libdefaults] default_realm = ZEM....

October 3, 2009

This weekend I took part in the Ludum Dare 26 Competition, where the theme was “Minimalism”. My entry is Filler. Aim The aim of filler is fill the holes in the grid with the minimum number of block pieces as possible. To achieve this, try to prevent blocks from overlapping when placing them. You can rotate and flip each block piece. If succeed in filling the hole with the minimum number of block pieces, your score multiplier will increase....